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CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning

Departamento de Postgrado y PostĂ­tulo de la Universidad de Chile, junto a la Universidad de Heidelberg

Classes Start:
Classes End:
$ 360.000

There is one session available:

11 already enrolled!

Who is the course for?

The course is addressed to:

  • University teachers who teach interdisciplinary subjects in different areas of knowledge, science and technology.
  • University teachers who teach foreign or second language classes, who want to learn about the CLIL approach in order to enrich their classes with specific disciplinary content.
  • Undergraduate and postgraduate students who want to be trained in the CLIL approach and enrich their pedagogical profile, teaching both content and a foreign language at the same time.
  • Teaching professionals who want to improve their teaching practice through CLIL.

What is the modality of this course?

The course will be 100% e-Learning, and will include synchronous classes (live via videoconferencing platform) and asynchronous activities. The course will be taught in English.

What are the course requirements?

To be a university professor who teaches interdisciplinary subjects in different areas of knowledge, science and technology, or a foreign language or second language. Alternatively, undergraduate and graduate students who want to be trained in the CLIL approach and enrich their pedagogical profile, teaching content and a foreign language at the same time, or professionals in the area of pedagogy who want to improve their teaching practice through CLIL.

How much time should you spend on the course?

The course will have a duration of 54 teaching hours, equivalent to 2 SCT credits (Chilean Credit Transfer System). Classes will be distributed over 10 weeks, starting on October 10, 2024.

How much will the course cost?

The course will be priced at $360.000 chilean pesos; which is equivalent to USD 382 or EUR 345, approximately. The amount must be paid once selected in the application process, applying the corresponding exchange rates at that time. The instructions for this procedure will be sent by e-mail by the academic coordination of the course.

Frequently Asked Questions